Today, the participants of the first women’s race in Strumica sent a message to the representatives of the Local Self-Government of the Municipality of Strumica about the need to apply the gender concept in the planning and implementation of budget programs. The race was held in order to raise awareness among local authorities and citizens about the application of the gender concept in the planning and implementation of budget programs. Gender-responsive policies contribute to the advancement of gender equality in the Municipality of Strumica, while taking into account the specific needs of women and men/girls
Read More »Центарот за аудиовизуелни уметности (CaArts) заедно со граѓаните од Крива Паланка неколку месеци активно трага и истражува нови, потенцијални, алтернативни простори за културни настани во оваа општина. The Center for Audiovisual Arts (CaArts) together with the citizens of Kriva Palanka has been actively looking for and researching new, potential, alternative spaces for cultural events in this municipality for several months. The discovery, that is, the mapping of new spaces for as many new cultural events as possible in Kriva Palanka, is an action of the association “Center for Audiovisual Arts” from Kriva Palanka. With the
Read More »Kriva Palanka has several appropriately arranged spaces for cultural events, but there is a lack of alternative places where different forms of artistic expression and presentation will take place. Small stages for chamber events and multimedia projects are mostly missing, and there are potentials to transform certain existing locations into new alternative spaces for cultural content, concluded the participants of the public debate, as well as the citizens who answered the online questionnaire. Panellists at the debate were Nathalie Veleska, an architect, and Gjorgi Kostovski, an art historian. The following were
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