Social media and civic activism: A unique opportunity to spread yourmessage to the world! The last years have been called the “era of social media”, i.e. “age of digitization”. There is no one who does not talk about it, and companies base their business models on social networks. Can these tools also be used in the civic / non-profit world? Does every NGO need social media profiles to function normally, or could it harm your mission? This mini-handbook provides insight into the field of social media management, as well as tips on how to maneuver
Read More »Under the auspices of the “Civic Alliance for Progressive Change on Local Level” Project, supported by the International Centre “Olof Palme” from Sweden, the Forum for Civil Dialogue was established in August 2021, before the 2021 Local Elections. The Forum for Civil Dialogue is composed of six partner CSOs (the NGO Infocentre, The Youth Cultural Centre Bitola, Struga Municipality Community Centre, “Vocal Textile Worker”, “Multikultura” and “Idea SEE”) while three other CSOs – Spektar, Civic Initiative of Women of Sveti Nikole and the Media Development Centre are actively involved in its activities. Before the Local
Read More »The legislation that regulates the work and procedures followed by the municipal inspectorates is not synchronized and often quite contradictory. Rural and small municipalities believe that the legislation on inspection control and supervision should be made more precise and detailed, to better respond to their needs and capacities that differ greatly from the capacities of the big, urban municipalities
Read More »The monitoring of the media to assess the quantity and quality of investigative and analytical journalism is conducted under the auspices of the “Investigative Journalism for Promotion of Reforms” Project, financed by the European Union. The aim of the project that has been implemented since 2016 is to promote the growth of accurate and investigative journalism in view of improved public information and protection of public interest. In other words, the aim is to stimulate the newsrooms and the journalists to dedicate greater effort to in-depth and detailed analysis of problems and thus separate themselves
Read More »The Ombudsman is the most important, central independent state institution charged with protection and promotion of human rights of citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. In view of that fact, the NGO Info-center, in cooperation with the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in the Republic of Macedonia, under the auspices of the “Civic monitoring of the Ombudsman” Project, has implemented continuous monitoring of the work and activities of the Office of the Ombudsman since December 2016. This publication covers the findings of individual reports (with minor changes) published between December 2016 and December 2017, referring
Read More »The findings of the monitoring in 2017, compared to previous year, indicate improvement in the number of investigative and analytical articles in Macedonian media. However, their numbers remain worryingly low.We could say, therefore, that there is need for activities to influence the decisions of newsrooms and editorial offices to increase the presence of investigative and analytical articles in their media, as the strongest instrument available to media in the efforts to protect the public interest
Read More »The essence of democratic systems lies in the checks-and-balances mechanism that reflects on the work in every field of activity of regulatory and oversight bodies, as a key feature of democratic systems is quality control in the direction of protecting the public interest. In this sense, if the control system is implemented, corruption and incompetence in the area under control would be minimized. Taking into consideration this, the Macedonian Center for European Training (MCET) and the partner organizations: NGO Info-center, Transparency Macedonia and the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia, with
Read More »The trilingual publication, in Macedonian, Albanian and English, is a compilation of analyzes and reports prepared and published within the project “Freedom for freedom of expression.” The publication contains the analysis “Freedom of expression and association in the media” that includes media coverage of topics related to freedom of expression and freedom of association, between 15 Јanuari – 25 December 2015 and 15 January to 30 June 2016; the document “Freedom of expression vs. defamation” that represents a cross section of court cases for defamation, with a particular focus on their impact on freedom of
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