Bitola, Shtip, Tetovo, Struga, Kriva Palanka, Sveti Nikole, Demir Hisar and Krushevo
The forum for civil dialogue, which consists of the NGO Infocenter, MKC – Bitola, Multikultura, Glasen Tekstielec, CZO Struga, GIŽ Sveti Nikole, Spektar, CRM and Idea Plus, conducted a series of consultation sessions and surveys on the key priorities of citizens in Bitola, Shtip, Tetovo , Struga, Centar, Kriva Palanka, Sveti Nikole, Demir Hisar and Krushevo.
Citizens are troubled by many problems at the local level and therefore they detected numerous priorities for 2023 in almost all areas – environment, infrastructure, urbanism, municipal services, etc.
The consultative meetings and surveys were conducted within the framework of the project “Civil Alliance for Progressive Changes at the Local Level”, supported by the Olof Palme International Center.