Archive for February, 2011

  • Monitoring of Media Coverage of the “A1” and “MPM” Cases

    on Feb 10, 11 • in Media Monitoring


    The general conclusion is that there were serious violations of the principles of objective and truthful informing of the public, the fundamental professional principles of the information media. Instead of purely reporting the cases, the media largely chose premeditated criticism and advocacy, using a wide spectrum of rhetoric devices and manipulation techniques

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  • Debate: Media War Diminishes the Trust of the Audience

    on Feb 7, 11 • in Media Monitoring

    The debate ‘Media War diminishes the trust of the audience’ took place on February 3 in the CEM club, in light of the current developments on the Macedonian media scene, and on the occasion of the announcement of the results from the media monitoring dedicated to reporting on the A1 and MPM cases, conducted by NGO Infocentre and the New Media Centre. According to communicationist and author of the analysis, Sead Dzigal, the general assessment is that respect for the truth and correct informing of the public as primary professional principles of the information media were severely

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