This handbook for strategic planning of communications is simple and easily understood guide through the process of creating and implementation of the communication process of each local government with the citizens
Read More »Unlike previous years, the journalists and the media have neglected their pro-active role and report little on the key policies and reforms necessary for Macedonia’s accession into the European Union. The trend dictated by the Government has been followed by the opposition, but also by the EU representatives themselves. The lack on information European integration is due, to an extenct, to the fact that several media outlets (A1 TV, Vreme, Špic and Koha e re dailies) that were active and staunch supporters of Macedonia’s accession in the EU, folded their operations. We could expect that
Read More »The NGO Info-centre, in cooperation with the Macedonian Centre for European Training (MCET), continues its monitoring of quality of media coverage of the European integration processes in Macedonia in 2011. The monitoring programme is financially supported by the Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM). The monitoring includes the coverage in eight daily newspapers (“Utrinski vesnik”; “Dnevnik”; “Vest”; “Vecer”; “Vreme”; “Nova Makedonija”, “Spic” and “Koha”) and the central news programmes aired on seven TV broadcasters (A1 TV; Kanal 7 TV; Sitel TV; Telma TV; MTV 1; Alfa TV; and Alsat TV). This report covers the period
Read More »(Македонски) Целосна поделеност на медиумите, селективност на информирање, но и висок степен на непотпишани, и текстови кои се неизбалансирани и содржат само еден извор, се дел од забелешките внесени во мониторингот „Медиумско огледало“ а кој се однесува на следењето на изборниот процес на осум печатени, и исто толку електронски медиуми
Read More »The monitoring of the media coverage of Parliamentary Elections 2011 shows that the media dedicated great attention to the early Parliamentary Elections 2011. In comparison with the early Parliamentary Elections 2008, when over the same period of observation - several days before and after the start of the election campaign – the media dedicated an average of 66 articles and reports daily, this year the average has increased to 116 articles and reports daily
Read More »The NGO Info-centre, in cooperation with the New Media Centre, implemented a programme for monitoring of media coverage of the Macedonian television broadcasting services, in the period December 25, 2010 – January 7, 2011. The monitoring programme, implemented under the auspices of the “Media Mirror” Programme, was supported by the Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM). The monitoring programme covered seven TV stations that broadcast nationally and over the satellite: A1 TV, Alsat M TV, Alfa TV, Kanal 5 TV, MTV 1, Sitel TV and Telma TV. The monitoring focused on the way in which Macedonian television broadcasters
Read More »The general conclusion is that there were serious violations of the principles of objective and truthful informing of the public, the fundamental professional principles of the information media. Instead of purely reporting the cases, the media largely chose premeditated criticism and advocacy, using a wide spectrum of rhetoric devices and manipulation techniques
Read More »The debate ‘Media War diminishes the trust of the audience’ took place on February 3 in the CEM club, in light of the current developments on the Macedonian media scene, and on the occasion of the announcement of the results from the media monitoring dedicated to reporting on the A1 and MPM cases, conducted by NGO Infocentre and the New Media Centre. According to communicationist and author of the analysis, Sead Dzigal, the general assessment is that respect for the truth and correct informing of the public as primary professional principles of the information media were severely
Read More »The general conclusion of this monitoring is that the citizens were provided with sufficient information on the outcome of the Lisbon NATO Summit. At the same time, there was far less analysis what the new reforms in NATO would mean for Macedonia and its ambitions to join the Alliance
Read More »Report on most commonly used methods of manipulation and propaganda techniques by the journalists and the media in Macedonia in several important events that attracted major media interest in
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