(Македонски) Македонската радиотелевизија, целосно и во континуитет, потфрла во својата улога на јавен радиодифузен сервис на граѓаните на Република Македонија. Ниту во случајот Кежаровски, ниту во случајот со штрајкот на СОНК, ниту пак, во случајот со кривичната пријава против Заев, МРТ не го застапува јавниот интерес, туку се става во функција на пропагандната машинерија на власта, и тоа како директен актер и инструмент на владината пропаганда
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Read More »The analysis of contents published by the media and created by the Government, points out that, undoubtedly, in the communication of the executive branch with the public, the informing of citizens about policies of public interest is not on the top of its agenda. The communication aims primarily to persuade the citizens that the Government is "successful and infallible", i.e. a "Teflon" Government to which no mistake, failure or scandal sticks, and which successfully "cooks up" and implements policies that suit all citizens. The legal obligation to inform the public has been distorted into a propagandist-indoctrination activity, with a main goal to create a positive image of the government both in the media and in the general public
Read More »The NGO Infocentre, in partnership with the Media Development Centre, in the period from September 2012 to January 2013, conducted an indepth analysis of the work and operations of the Macedonian Radio and Television (MRT) and its television programming services: MRT1, MRT2 and the Parliamentary Channel
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